Spaghetti Carbonara



8 rashers of bacon, chopped and all visible fat removed

3 eggs

Salt & freshly ground black pepper

3 tbsp fat free natural fromage frais

2 level tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

Small bunch of chives

400g boiled spaghetti

1. Roughly chop the bacon  and dry fry in a non-stick pan for 2-3 minutes. Set aside.

2. Lightly beat the eggs, season to taste and add the fromage frais and 1 tablespoon of Parmesan. Chop the chives and add to the mixture, reserving some for garnish.

3. Add the spaghetti and egg mixture to the bacon in the pan and stir gently over a low heat until the egg starts to set.

4. Serve immediately sprinkled with the remaining Parmesan and chives.

SYN VALUE: 1 syn (Extra Easy) 6.5 syns (Red) 3 syns (Green)

This recipe is taken from the Slimming World website. When I made it I used fat free natural yoghurt instead which worked fine and I also added 2 handfuls of chopped mushrooms when frying the bacon for a bit of superfree, plus bacon and mushrooms are one of my favourite combinations! One of the best things about this recipe (apart from the taste!) is how quick and easy it is to make and prepare. I had the whole thing cooked in 10 minutes, it was great!!

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